Ilme Spann and Jüri Sonn
5 and 7 years old. Ilme and Jüri were thrown onto the schooner Juhan as it left the port in Hapsalu. Their mother was already on the boat. Ilme can remember the feeling in her stomach as she flew through the air. She also remembers the strong smell of engine-oil from the tool box she hid inside once she was onboard. Juri mostly remembers the soft white bread and hot milk they were served as they arrived in Sweden.
Ilme and Jüri’s father’s wallet filled with German, Russian and American bank notes.
5 and 7 years old. Ilme and Jüri were thrown onto the schooner Juhan as it left the port in Hapsalu. Their mother was already on the boat. Ilme can remember the feeling in her stomach as she flew through the air. She also remembers the strong smell of engine-oil from the tool box she hid inside once she was onboard. Juri mostly remembers the soft white bread and hot milk they were served as they arrived in Sweden.
Ilme and Jüri’s father’s wallet filled with German, Russian and American bank notes.

Jaak Kutti
6 years old. Jaak remembers his father pointing at the view from Toompea Castle in Tallinn moments before they boarded thetrain to start their escape from Estonia: ‘Look carefully at this view. It’s quite likely we’ll never see it again…’
A crystal vase that the family brought with them.
6 years old. Jaak remembers his father pointing at the view from Toompea Castle in Tallinn moments before they boarded thetrain to start their escape from Estonia: ‘Look carefully at this view. It’s quite likely we’ll never see it again…’
A crystal vase that the family brought with them.

Mai Malmström (born Küüts)
5 years old. Remembers seeing her grandmother waving on the porch with the family dogs as they drove off from the house.
Mai’s father was a forester and also a handy craftsman, and
made her this hammer when she was 3 years old.
5 years old. Remembers seeing her grandmother waving on the porch with the family dogs as they drove off from the house.
Mai’s father was a forester and also a handy craftsman, and
made her this hammer when she was 3 years old.

Enn Nõu
11 years old. Remembers holding his breath and praying on
the boat and thinking the Stockholm archipelago looked like a fairytale landscape.
Enn’s boy-scout knife.
11 years old. Remembers holding his breath and praying on
the boat and thinking the Stockholm archipelago looked like a fairytale landscape.
Enn’s boy-scout knife.

Heino Wänt
4 years old. Remembers walking up a long hill in Ventspils, Latvia to bury his baby brother who died on their first attempt to escape.
Swedish-Estonian, Estonian-Swedish dictionary for farm laborers handed to Heino’s father on arrival in Sweden.
4 years old. Remembers walking up a long hill in Ventspils, Latvia to bury his baby brother who died on their first attempt to escape.
Swedish-Estonian, Estonian-Swedish dictionary for farm laborers handed to Heino’s father on arrival in Sweden.

Rein Lepik
3 years old. Remembers sitting on the floor of the boat feeling very seasick.
Magnet for the ignition of the family’s boat, which Rein’s
father removed before they disembarked in Sweden, so that
the Russians wouldn’t be able to start the engine as they
confiscated all Estonian vessels.
3 years old. Remembers sitting on the floor of the boat feeling very seasick.
Magnet for the ignition of the family’s boat, which Rein’s
father removed before they disembarked in Sweden, so that
the Russians wouldn’t be able to start the engine as they
confiscated all Estonian vessels.

Tarmo Oja
9 years old. Tarmo remembers feeling seasick on the boat journey and when they finally arrived in Sweden he was given hot chocolate in big, white army mugs.
This was the book Tarmo was reading when they left Estonia
and he couldn’t leave it behind as he really wanted to find out how it ended.
9 years old. Tarmo remembers feeling seasick on the boat journey and when they finally arrived in Sweden he was given hot chocolate in big, white army mugs.
This was the book Tarmo was reading when they left Estonia
and he couldn’t leave it behind as he really wanted to find out how it ended.

Viiu Riis
9 years old. The family couldn’t bring their dog Tobi, and Viiu remembers how they had to shut him in a fishing shed before leaving. She will never forget how he howled as they walked past in the night to get on the boat.
Postcards sent to the family’s old address in Estonia. They knew they couldn’t let family back in Estonia know where they were, so they pretended to be a Swedish relative writing to them from Sweden. As they were from such a small community, the ladies at the postoffice knew it was from them and passed it on to their family.
9 years old. The family couldn’t bring their dog Tobi, and Viiu remembers how they had to shut him in a fishing shed before leaving. She will never forget how he howled as they walked past in the night to get on the boat.
Postcards sent to the family’s old address in Estonia. They knew they couldn’t let family back in Estonia know where they were, so they pretended to be a Swedish relative writing to them from Sweden. As they were from such a small community, the ladies at the postoffice knew it was from them and passed it on to their family.

Rein Raukas, Helga Nõu and Arvo Raukas
4, 10 and 7 years old. Rein remembers being at the bottom of
the boat, looking up at an open square hatch and seeing a strange pattern. He later found out it was the underside of the Pärnu bridge. Helga remembers there being water everywhere and seeing a loaf of bread floating around inside the boat. Arvo remembers being amazed at seeing lights as they approached Sweden in the night – in Estonia there were blackout regulations in place.
Rein, Helga and Arvo’s father’s pocket watch.
4, 10 and 7 years old. Rein remembers being at the bottom of
the boat, looking up at an open square hatch and seeing a strange pattern. He later found out it was the underside of the Pärnu bridge. Helga remembers there being water everywhere and seeing a loaf of bread floating around inside the boat. Arvo remembers being amazed at seeing lights as they approached Sweden in the night – in Estonia there were blackout regulations in place.
Rein, Helga and Arvo’s father’s pocket watch.

Vello Riomar
12 years old. Remembers feeling confused on seeing huge signs throughout the Stockholm archipelago saying ‘Kabel’ (Swedish for ‘cable’), as this means ‘chapel’ in Estonian.
Cap from Vello’s school in Estonia, made from wool from the sheep on his grandparent’s farm.
12 years old. Remembers feeling confused on seeing huge signs throughout the Stockholm archipelago saying ‘Kabel’ (Swedish for ‘cable’), as this means ‘chapel’ in Estonian.
Cap from Vello’s school in Estonia, made from wool from the sheep on his grandparent’s farm.

Helgi Kihlberg
6 years old. Helgi had her doll with her. When they had made it to Danzig in Germany by boat and then Türingen by train, they missed a train connection and had to walk 6 km. During this walk, Helgi lost the doll’s hat. Her mother walked all the way back, but never found it.
The family album.
6 years old. Helgi had her doll with her. When they had made it to Danzig in Germany by boat and then Türingen by train, they missed a train connection and had to walk 6 km. During this walk, Helgi lost the doll’s hat. Her mother walked all the way back, but never found it.
The family album.

Helle Persson
8 years old. Helle remembers the first morning at sea after they left Estonia – the weather was lovely and still and she was sat on the bow of the boat with her hand in the water. Her father hadgiven her a stack of now-useless Ostmark notes which she threw overboard.
Before fleeing, the family buried their nice glassware and crockery behind the house. It was retrieved many years later.
8 years old. Helle remembers the first morning at sea after they left Estonia – the weather was lovely and still and she was sat on the bow of the boat with her hand in the water. Her father hadgiven her a stack of now-useless Ostmark notes which she threw overboard.
Before fleeing, the family buried their nice glassware and crockery behind the house. It was retrieved many years later.

Mart Mägi
7 years old. Remembers walking on a small path towards the
beach and seeing the horizon in the moonlight – large rocks
in the water made it look like traces of snowballs thrown
at a wall.
Mart’s Estonian birth certificate.
7 years old. Remembers walking on a small path towards the
beach and seeing the horizon in the moonlight – large rocks
in the water made it look like traces of snowballs thrown
at a wall.
Mart’s Estonian birth certificate.

Silvi Engman and Peter Rahnel
5 and 2 years old. Silvi remembers drinking water straight from her mother’s mouth, that she had tried to warm up by holding it inside her mouth as it was so cold on the boat. She also remembers seeing feet with rubber boots on. Peter was too young to remember the journey.
A portrait of Silvi and Peter’s mother when she was young.
5 and 2 years old. Silvi remembers drinking water straight from her mother’s mouth, that she had tried to warm up by holding it inside her mouth as it was so cold on the boat. She also remembers seeing feet with rubber boots on. Peter was too young to remember the journey.
A portrait of Silvi and Peter’s mother when she was young.

Tiit Tamme
6 years old. Remembers being given pancakes with jam on arrival in Sweden and throwing them straight back up as he was still seasick.
Tiit’s father’s Alien’s Passport which had to be stamped every year. You weren’t allowed to travel anywhere near Stockholm, Gothenburg or Malmö.
6 years old. Remembers being given pancakes with jam on arrival in Sweden and throwing them straight back up as he was still seasick.
Tiit’s father’s Alien’s Passport which had to be stamped every year. You weren’t allowed to travel anywhere near Stockholm, Gothenburg or Malmö.

1 year old. Tiina escaped Estonia from Saaremaa with her mother in an open boat. She has no memories from the journey as she was so young. She does, however remember finding a hatch in the floor of the farm (where they stayed for the first few months) in Sweden very frightening.
Photograph of Tiina’s maternal grandmother Anna Johansson from Narva.
Photograph of Tiina’s maternal grandmother Anna Johansson from Narva.

Hain Rebas
1 year old. Hain fled Estonia with his mother in September 1944. His father had already left Estonia in 1943 to escape mobilization into the Russian Army. Hain doesn’t remember the escape itself as he was so young, but he clearly recalls being held in isolation at a tuberculosis clinic in Sweden shortly after arrival. A nurse held him up to a window so that he could see his father who had come to visit – so close yet so far away.
A small vase that Hain’s father brought with him from Estonia, which was given to him on his 25th birthday in 1941.
1 year old. Hain fled Estonia with his mother in September 1944. His father had already left Estonia in 1943 to escape mobilization into the Russian Army. Hain doesn’t remember the escape itself as he was so young, but he clearly recalls being held in isolation at a tuberculosis clinic in Sweden shortly after arrival. A nurse held him up to a window so that he could see his father who had come to visit – so close yet so far away.
A small vase that Hain’s father brought with him from Estonia, which was given to him on his 25th birthday in 1941.

Helmi Warg (Suur)
9 years old. Helmi remembers being so proud of her new olive-green coat that she was wearing when she left home with her mother and four sisters. During the dramatic boat journey she pulled the coat over her head as protection from the cold sea water that was washing over her where she sat underneath a broken tarpaulin. When she looked up from beneath the coat, she could see several women balancing above them and eventually managing to mend the tarpaulin. Her beautiful coat was ruined though...
A photograph of Helmi and her nanny Triin, who looked after Helmi when her mother worked as a teacher. Triin became like a second mother to her.
9 years old. Helmi remembers being so proud of her new olive-green coat that she was wearing when she left home with her mother and four sisters. During the dramatic boat journey she pulled the coat over her head as protection from the cold sea water that was washing over her where she sat underneath a broken tarpaulin. When she looked up from beneath the coat, she could see several women balancing above them and eventually managing to mend the tarpaulin. Her beautiful coat was ruined though...
A photograph of Helmi and her nanny Triin, who looked after Helmi when her mother worked as a teacher. Triin became like a second mother to her.

Inga Bjurbäck (Schönberg)
10 years old. As Coastal Swedes, Inga and her parents were evacuated to Sweden on the schooner Juhan. The ship picked up more passengers in Odinsholm, and they were seal-hunters – Inga remembers the smell they brought with them was so bad that many people started throwing up.
One of the suitcases the family brought with them.
10 years old. As Coastal Swedes, Inga and her parents were evacuated to Sweden on the schooner Juhan. The ship picked up more passengers in Odinsholm, and they were seal-hunters – Inga remembers the smell they brought with them was so bad that many people started throwing up.
One of the suitcases the family brought with them.

Kristin Talts Ali
2 years old. Kristin can’t recall much as she was so young, but remembers having to walk by herself as her mother had to carry her baby brother. The ship took them to Germany and after spending two years there, they traveled to Sweden to reunite with Kristin’s father. Kristin remembers seeing her baby brother’s stroller being lifted on board the ship with a huge crane.
A photograph of Kristin’s mother and aunt with their father Artur and uncle Uudo in Estonia.
2 years old. Kristin can’t recall much as she was so young, but remembers having to walk by herself as her mother had to carry her baby brother. The ship took them to Germany and after spending two years there, they traveled to Sweden to reunite with Kristin’s father. Kristin remembers seeing her baby brother’s stroller being lifted on board the ship with a huge crane.
A photograph of Kristin’s mother and aunt with their father Artur and uncle Uudo in Estonia.

Eero, Olavi and Mati Lepp
2 and 4 years old (Mati was born in Sweden). The boys fled with their mother on a fishing boat from the shore in Haapsalu and Olavi remembers carrying his own small backpack. He also recalls that when the Swedish ship Visby appeared to guide them safely to Sweden, a big bar of chocolate was hoisted down to the children on the little fishing boat. Another vivid memory is of his mother Salme crying on the wharf in Spillersboda (Sweden) as she didn’t know where the boys’ father Eduard was located. Eero contracted diphtheria and remembers coughing up a huge build-up of mucus when being made to breathe in turpentine fumes as a remedy.
The plane is a model of a Bristol Bulldog built by the boy’s father Eduard in the 1930’s. Eduard was a pilot and landed on a field in Sweden in a similar plane (a Fokker CV-E), which he stole from the Germans.
2 and 4 years old (Mati was born in Sweden). The boys fled with their mother on a fishing boat from the shore in Haapsalu and Olavi remembers carrying his own small backpack. He also recalls that when the Swedish ship Visby appeared to guide them safely to Sweden, a big bar of chocolate was hoisted down to the children on the little fishing boat. Another vivid memory is of his mother Salme crying on the wharf in Spillersboda (Sweden) as she didn’t know where the boys’ father Eduard was located. Eero contracted diphtheria and remembers coughing up a huge build-up of mucus when being made to breathe in turpentine fumes as a remedy.
The plane is a model of a Bristol Bulldog built by the boy’s father Eduard in the 1930’s. Eduard was a pilot and landed on a field in Sweden in a similar plane (a Fokker CV-E), which he stole from the Germans.

Susanna Tomson
18 years old. Susanna fled from the coast guard station in Saaremaa with her mother and younger brother. Susanna remembers that when the boat reached Sweden, she couldn’t stand up – her legs weren’t working. She had to be carried off the boat by Swedish soldiers, which worried her mother as she thought they would take her away.
A suitcase the family brought with them when they fled.
18 years old. Susanna fled from the coast guard station in Saaremaa with her mother and younger brother. Susanna remembers that when the boat reached Sweden, she couldn’t stand up – her legs weren’t working. She had to be carried off the boat by Swedish soldiers, which worried her mother as she thought they would take her away.
A suitcase the family brought with them when they fled.

Helle Lehes
5 years old. Helle, her mother and baby sister managed to get on the schooner Juhan. The first time they tried, they were thrown off the boat. Helle’s mother pretended she couldn’t walk so that they would be allowed to stay, but Helle said: “But mom, you can walk!”. They had to wait to try their luck when Juhan did it’s next run. Helle remembers running in the sand while they waited. Once they were on the boat, Helle recalls running around exploring, as her mother was busy with her baby sister. The toilet was completely blocked and over-flowing and everything smelled awful.
A gold-leaf teapot was among a tea-set the family brought with them.
5 years old. Helle, her mother and baby sister managed to get on the schooner Juhan. The first time they tried, they were thrown off the boat. Helle’s mother pretended she couldn’t walk so that they would be allowed to stay, but Helle said: “But mom, you can walk!”. They had to wait to try their luck when Juhan did it’s next run. Helle remembers running in the sand while they waited. Once they were on the boat, Helle recalls running around exploring, as her mother was busy with her baby sister. The toilet was completely blocked and over-flowing and everything smelled awful.
A gold-leaf teapot was among a tea-set the family brought with them.